Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lessons in Global Health: What Every Student Should Know

  • One of the first and most important lessons I learned was that earlier in your career, you will receive far more than you will be able to give.
  • Nonetheless, they were still important because they taught me the complexity of navigating research design and protocol in other  countries, the uncertainty involved with international endeavors, and the persistence that differentiates those who remain in global health and those who come to visit for a short time.
  • They [the patients] sacrificed, not necessarily because they believed it would make a difference in their lives, but rather because in poorer regions of the world, relationships and hospitality are valued sincerely.
  • Another important insight I gained only by taking chances was that you are your only limitation.
  • One last lesson I learned was that as a student in global health, your biggest contribution will be determined by the greatest need.
AMSRJ Spring 2014 Vol. 1, No. 1